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About Us

Hi I’m Greg, the founder and owner of T1D3DGear.  My son was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in 2018 at the age of 9.  Anyone who has been touched by the disease knows the heartache we felt. My wife and I resolved to take on the fight full force and kick this disease in the teeth (and drag a few Endos by the scruff of the neck along with us)  We had a Dexcom G6 within 4 weeks of diagnosis, then discovered the Nightscout Project.


 I am a tinkerer by nature and started setting up little raspberry pi’s around the house to display my son’s numbers.  Within a year of diagnosis we had started looping. Within days of starting to loop I dropped my first insulin vial.  Within hours of dropping the first vial I was putting my new 3D printer to work to make a protective case.  My wife is a professional packaging engineer and helped direct the design and did extensive testing.  I know most people don’t have access to 3D printers so I opened our shop to sell the cases.  As we had diabetes longer, we developed more things to make it easier.


We have expanded our offerings since that first case, mostly driven by Mrs.T1D3DGear's desire for organizing and adding a little fun with our Creature Caps and Tardis cases. 


This shop is a passion project for us to help make T1D’s lives a bit easier, and bring some fun colors and designs to this crappy disease.  We keep our prices low, to make our products accessible to as many people as possible.   My T1D helps run the printer and pack orders to earn spending money.  We donate a portion of all our proceeds back to the Nightscout Foundation as a way to give back to the community.


Thanks for shopping with us.  As always, our promise is to treat you better than your pancreas does!
