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Tandem TrueSteel Drawer Organizer

Regular price $32.00

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New Design!!

Our New design has the infusion sets sitting horizontally so the tray can fit in a standard drawer.


Custom designed drawer organizer for the Medtronic Quick-set infusion sets. Organizer holds 10 full infusion sets, plus alcohol wipes.

Organizer is 9.5" x 9" x 2" and fits in a standard drawer.

The organizer is 3D printed to order. Designed in conjunction with a patent holding packaging engineer (my wife, who had a lot to say about it) to help keep all this stuff organized. Bright colors to make it your very own. Mix and match colors as you see fit.

Insulin, infusion sets, or a cure NOT INCLUDED, but if you ask nice we might throw in a cinnamon stick. 3D Printing from a cage free, free-range, organic, humanely raised PLA. Not GMO free. Not guaranteed gluten free, do not lick. Celiac acceptable.